Superstore Rush is a game I’ve been making for my kids where you unlock, expand and manage the ultimate Superstore. This game is totally free to play and free from those annoying ads! No one likes those, right?
While the game is still heavily in development, it has reached a point where I’d love to get some feedback. Development builds are available to play directly on and a test build has recently been added to the Google Play Store. If you’re interested in checking out the Google Play Builds, you can register in your web browser or directly on your Android device.
The current build includes checkouts and checkout helpers, self-serve checkouts, grocery, produce and deli shelving as well as inventory management. Here’s a few screenshots from the current progress of the game currently at version 0.6.0.
So what’s to come you ask? Here’s a few of the things I have planned for the game:
- Spills and hazards
- Cafe/coffee machine
- Equipment/register repairs
- Additional unlockable areas
- More shelf types
- Hire additional helpers
+ lots more!
With a lot of the game mechanics finished, a large focus is now on adding additional content, shelving and “side missions” to the game to make it more entertaining. Watch this space for updates.
If you’ve checked out the game and wish to provide feedback, the best place to do so is on my Discord. Thanks for checking out Superstore Rush, I hope you enjoy it!
Cheers, Kris.