The release of Superstore Rush is right around the corner as 0.7.0 brings a variety of new features

A new update is here for Superstore Rush and it brings a whole variety of changes, tweaks and polish to the game as it gets much closer to a 1.0 release build! Work is underway to get early access builds available on the Google Play store and Steam – Watch this space for more info soon!

So what’s new in 0.7.0 I hear you ask?

I keep saying this with each update, but this is the biggest so far with a variety of improvements and additions to the game, as follows:

  • Added full xbox controller support
  • Added new store room expansion
  • Added new fridge and freezer shelf types
  • Added price to shop expansions
  • Customers now spawn around the shop
  • Tweaked waypoint images
  • Added a variety of game sound fx
  • In-game menu now pauses the game
  • Decreased delay when hiring a checkout helper
  • Fixed various bugs

But wait, there’s more. Hot on the heels of 0.7.0 is the 0.7.1 hot fix where some UI changes snuck in to the game. The changes in 0.7.1 are as follows:

  • UI enhancements
  • Fixed character movement bug
    + General bug fixes

Where to from here? And what’s the plan for the release?

All games have to release at some point, right? There’s a whole variety of content I still want to add but some of this will come as post-release updates. I’ve spent a little time planning what content will make it in to 1.0 when I release on Steam and Google Play.

Here’s what I plan to add (and am currently working on):

  • New expansions for clothing and electronics
  • Adding a variety of hazards and mini puzzles to the game (possibly things like blackouts, spills etc.)
  • Final UI tweaks to the main menu and in game menu
  • Enhanced money system, the more you offer in your store, the more the customer pays you
  • Fast food sales (still currently in planning)

As for the release plan, work is underway to get the game listed on both Steam and the Google play store. Superstore Rush will be totally free to play and won’t include any annoying ads. I’ll be exploring a plus/premium version of the game on Google Play and some form of DLC on Steam, but I wanted to deliver a full base game that is enjoyable and free to play for everyone.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the game so far and look forward to sharing the release build with everyone soon!


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