Diamond Helmet

Crafted using 4x Diamond, the Diamond Helmet offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Diamond Chestplate

Crafted using 8x Diamond, the Diamond Chestplate offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Diamond Leggings

Crafted using 7x Diamond, Diamond Leggings offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Golden Boots

Crafted using 4x Gold Ingots, Gold Boots offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Diamond Boots

Crafted using 4x Diamond, Diamond Boots offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Golden Leggings

Crafted using 7x Gold Ingots, Gold Leggings offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Golden Chestplate

Crafted using 8x Gold Ingots, the Gold Chestplate offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Golden Helmet

Crafted using 4x Gold Ingots, the Gold Helmet offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Iron Leggings

Crafted using 7x Iron Ingots, Iron Leggings offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.

Iron Chestplate

Crafted using 8x Iron Ingots, the Iron Chestplate offers protection to the player. Can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments.